Chairside Economical Restoration of Aesthetic Ceramics at Dentist Epping


Neglect can prove to be expensive especially in the matter of tooth decay. This is one area where early detection and treatment can save a tooth and spare you discomfort and higher expense later on. Unfortunately, people lead busy lives and put off a visit to their Dentist Epping until the tooth pain becomes unendurable by which time it may be late. If you are delaying because you assume that treatment will involve multiple visits and plenty of discomforts, you are in for a surprise. With the chairside economical restoration of aesthetic ceramics process (CEREC) at Dentist Epping clinic, it is fast, painless and affordable.

The CEREC process
The normal process of root canal treatment involves multiple visits. You may not have the time to schedule multiple appointments. This is where CEREC comes to your rescue. If you have tooth pain due to decay in your tooth then you can get rid of it in just one visit. CEREC is the process you should opt for at dentist Epping clinic. This is what is involved in the procedure.

  • The dentist Epping clinic uses an intraoral camera and a computer system linked to a milling machine to carry out the entire process in one sitting. The offending tooth is examined and it is prepared by drilling and removal of the decayed tissues followed by a filling.
  • The camera captures the impression of your teeth, bite and the tooth that is under treatment.
  • The software creates a 3-dimensional model. This becomes the basis for the milling machine to carve out a ceramic profile from a block of ceramic. This restoration ceramic piece undergoes finishing and polishing and then it is cemented in place.

    CEREC is so much better for aesthetic dental procedure
  • The most important reason for CEREC single sitting procedure at dentist Epping is that it takes just one sitting to clean out the tooth cavity, prepare the filling or onlay or crown and cement it in place.
  • It costs less since time is money. You also save on travel costs because you visit the dentist Epping clinic only once.
  • The crown or onlay looks natural and also feels natural.
  • Even if your tooth does not need a root canal but it is discoloured and needs a veneer, then CEREC is ideal. There is no need for use of impression trays, laboratory work, delays in the preparation of the veneer and then another day to fit it in place. The veneer or crown will last for 15 years.
  • Since ceramic is used there are no adverse side effects as may be experienced when one uses metal amalgam or alloys.

    Is CEREC for you?

    CEREC is a godsend for people with minor and major teeth problems.

  • Your teeth may be chipped or broken and that makes them vulnerable to bacterial infection. CEREC onlays provide protection and improve looks.
  • Your tooth is decayed and requires a root canal plus a crown and you cannot spare several days for the procedure.
  • You have an existing filling made of metal and you have issues in which case you can get rid of tooth related problem and also get a better look with the ceramic onlay or filling.
  • Even if your teeth are healthy but are misaligned or stained, a CEREC process will give you a makeover in just one sitting.

      All it takes is a visit to the dentist Epping clinic to identify issues and get everything resolved in just one day.